Don't Sea-Seek If You Get Seasick !
Sea-Seek is an online coastal pilot or boating guide. Created in 2004 ( website then it is the fruit of everyone's contribution.
It describes the mooring sites, ports, diving spots, beaches by and for sea lovers. As with a wiki, everyone can contribute to this project and share their sea experience.
Each place or site is located on a map. The sites (9977) are grouped by zone, coast or sea.
Navigation aid tools allow you to plot routes, measure distances and bearings. Navigators with a smartphone or tablet with GPS can follow the track of their boat live.
A copy of the data in PDF format can be downloaded for each of the areas covered by Sea-Seek.
Pictures Upload
Many photos (16874) illustrate the site descriptions. All uploads of photos and maps on the server must be done with the permission of the photographer or copyright owner who accepts their publication.
The maps used in come from data provided by:
- Open Street Map
- Open Sea Map
As all the dangers are not mentioned, they must not be used for navigation at sea.
Sea-Seek is a free nautical guide, that is to say a voluntary association of individuals and groups who together develop a source of human knowledge.
Its structure allows anyone with Internet access and a web browser to edit the content available here.
As a result, be aware that nothing that you can find here has necessarily been verified by a professional competent in the field in question and this on all Sea-Seek subjects.
All the data presented on Sea-Seek come from various and uncontrolled origins and cannot engage the responsibility of the person responsible for the site
L'ensemble des données présentées sur Sea-Seek sont d'origines diverses et non contrôlées et ne sauraient engager la responsabilité du responsable du site
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