Funadhoo island (Kaafu)
A small tank farm, with three large and about six smaller tanks,stands on the island.
Latitude | Longitude | |
DMS | --- | --- |
DM | --- | --- |
DD | --- | --- |
Caution is necessary as strong cross sets of up to 6 knots caused by the season monssons occur across the mouth of the channel. The W channel (Vaadhoo Kandu) between Male and Viligili is not recommended.
Gaadhoo Koa (Male Passage) is approached with the E side of Dhoonidhu bearing 337°, and open NE of Funadhoo until the S end of Hulule runway bears 085°. Then steer through the middle of the channel between Funadhoo and Hulule, and as required round the N side of Funadhoo to approach the anchorage.
The outline of the reefs is very distinct.
In 1983, it was reported that because of the extended runway S on Hulule Island, a more appropriate approach through Male Passage should be made from farther SE, maintaining a midchannel course.
A vessel, at the approach on course 345°, reported observing a current setting NNE at 3.5 knots until the S tip of the runway was abeam to starboard, when a strong S to SW set of 4 knots was encountered with numerous eddies between Small mill Point and Wild Point. To remain in mid-channel and to counteract the set and drift, a course of 008° was steered, thereafter, adjusting as necessary to the anchorage.
If approaching Male from W, enter Kaashidoo Channel (Kaashidoo) between Thoddoo (Thuddu) and Goidhoo Atoll (Horsburgh Atoll), 25 miles N of it. Pass close N clear of Toddu and then steer SE for Vaadhoo Kandu (Wadu Channel). When Male is identified and approached, follow the directions as mentioned above.
Low-powered vessels, sailing vessels, and vessels arriving from E, may use the opening in the reef 6 miles NNE of Male.
Steer to pass about 0.6 mile S of Lankanfinolhu, then N and W of the reef lying 0.5 mile NW of Kaduoiygiri. Then steer S to pass W of Vihamanaafushi, a wooded islet 3 miles N of Male, and then W of Dhoonidhu to the anchorage.
Ebook | Maldives