Horseshoe Bay
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California 47 sites 24 photos publication date: 5 Aug 2024 .pdf file size: 24 Mb
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Sitios alrededor de Horseshoe Bay
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Point Diablo Enter your comments here. Location Lighthouse installed in 1923. A small white shack with a pitched red roof was placed on the sloping point some eighty feet above the water.
Alcatraz Entrez vos commentaires ici Localisation Mettez vos commentaires ou effacez Approche Mettez vos commentaires ou effacez
Ggnra Yacht harbor Enter your comments here. Location Provide details or delete Entrance Navigation Provide details or delete
Sea-Seek Guía Náutico Durante su navegación, recuerde actualizar los datos. Si falta un puerto, puerto deportivo o fondeadero, créelo. Gracias por todos los navegantes.