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- La Ciotat
- Bandol
- Sanary
Baie de Bandol lies 3 miles SE of Pointe du Deffend and is entered between Ile de Bandol and Pointe de la Cride, 1 mile SSE.
Ile de Bandol can be identified by its prominent reddish-colored rocks. It is connected to a peninsula close N by a bank which has depths of 0.2 to 2m. Chateau de Bandol stands on the outer end of the peninsula, which is 25m high and is conspicuous.
La Fourmigue, a rock, lies on a shoal about 0.2 mile E of the E extremity of Ile de Bandol. It is 1m high and marked by a beacon. Vessels should not attempt to pass between the beacon and the island.
A small yacht harbor, protected by two jetties, lies on the N side of Ile de Bandol at its E end.
Pointe de la Cride, the S entrance point of the bay, is low and pointed. An old battery stands on its extremity. A reef extends
SW from the point and is marked at its seaward end by a beacon.
Baie de Sanary affords good shelter against winds from the NW through NE to SE, but W or SW winds, if strong, send in a heavy sea.
Ebook | Côte d'Azur - French Riviera