Pulau Kentar, located 1.5 miles E of Tanjung Gantong, the SE point of Pulau Sebangka, is hilly, the highest point near its SE point being 120m high.
When coming from the N and before the adjacent islands to the S are visible, this high point resembles the hill on the SE end of Pulau Lingga. From the S side of the island, a bank, with less than 5.5m of water, extends about 1 mile.
Nearly 1 mile beyond, a narrow reef stretches 2.5 miles in an E and W direction, with a least depth of 3m, and W of this there is a sand bank nearly always dry.
Between the E end of the narrow bank and the bank extending from Pulau Kentar there is a small reef with a rock abovewater named Anaklangu.