It is a natural anchorage place, just off the breakwater, which provides protection for the dinghy when landing.
However, this anchorage is reported to be rolly. In the winter months
(July) the seas here are generally calm.
A stone pier was built for tieing up small ships. Bigger ships remain
anchored about 500 m from the beach, as there is a sinked greek ship -
the Eleani Sthatathos - in the harbour.
In the proximity there is the Sto. Antonio Fort, which is partly
destryoed; it was the first of the main island forts and its name was
taken over by the entire region.
Visiting yachts are also allowed to anchor along the shore between
the harbour and the twin islands of Dois Irmaos. This is the only area
in the National Park with no anchoring restrictions.
Anchor in 10 to 14m over hard sand (and rock).
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