Palmyras Point (Orissa-NE India)

Palmyras Point (Orissa-NE India)

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Palmyras Point (Orissa-NE India)




Palmyras Point, about 6 miles W of Shortt Island, is the N extremity of the low land which lies between the Maipura River and the Dhamra River. The point is difficult to distinguish because of the dense jungle growth which covers it. The low land on the N side of the Dhamra River presents a similar aspect as far N as Balisahi Point, about 4 miles distant.

Three beacons, each 24m high with a ball topmark, stand in the vicinity of the entrance of the Dhamra River. These aids are visible from seaward, but are not easy to identify outside the outer bar.

The entrance channel over the outer and inner bars is buoyed and the channels within the river are buoyed in places. These buoys are liable to be moved to conform to changes in the channels and are not to be relied upon.

The buoyed entrance channel passes about 0.8 mile N of Shortt Island, and then leads between the shoals extending from it and Kanika Sand. It then leads W between Kanika Sand and the N edge of the flats which extend E from Palmyras Point. This latter stretch leads to the entrance of the Dhamra River and passes N of the island lying in the middle of the river close within the entrance.

Pilotage is not compulsory, but advisable for strangers.

The jetty at Chandbali provides berths for three small vessels with a maximum draft of 3.7m. Passengers and cargo are usually embarked and discharged alongside the jetty.

Vessels with local knowledge can anchor in mid-channel off the town of Chandbali, in depths of 8.2 to 12.2m.

Weather signals are displayed at Chandbali; the Brief System is used.

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Bay of Bengal

  • 110 sites
  • 82 photos
  • publication date: 15 Jul 2024
  • .pdf file size: 55 Mb
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Sites autour de Palmyras Point (Orissa-NE India)

Flying distances - Direct line

Kanika sand (Orissa-NE India)

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