Pulau Benggala (Northwest Island), bearing 295°, distance about 5.7 miles from the light on Pulau Breueh, is a small, rocky island fringed by a narrow reef of rocks.
Pulau Nasi (Peunasoe or Aceh island), nearly joins the SE point of Pulau Breueh, being separated by Aroih Lam Puyang. The coast line is rocky in places with sandy beaches chiefly on the W side.
Lhok Prialaut is the bay lying between Ug Bau and Ug Seukundo. 6,5 NM appart, between wich points the bay extends S for about 4 NM, with Teluk Sabang on its E shore. Lhok Prialaut is about 2 miles in length and breadth, with good anchorage near its head, in 16.5 to 21.9m. Tides—Currents.—The ...
Terumbu Sarang or "Fleurs Rock", a rock awash, lie 2 NM NW of the W point of Pulau Breueh. The water in the vicinity of Fleurs Rock is discolored, and breaks at times.
Pulau Lheeblah (Kegel Island), the N island, lies about 2 miles 305° from the light on pulau Breueh. The sea will break on these islands even in moderate weather. There is a passage between Pulau Benggala (Northwest Island) and the inner islands but it is recommended to pass outside ...
Stone tower with lantern and gallery, painted red with one very broad white horizontal band.
This light marks the extreme northwestern corner of
Indonesia. Breueh island was devastated by the tsunami of 26 December 2004, but this lighthouse
was far above the waves. Some ...
During the NE monsoon we can anchor in Balken Bay or Meulingge bay, in depths of from 14,6 to 16,5 m. In the Southwest Monsoon there is a considerable swell and sea.