Pulau Gepon is a group of four islands 0.5 mile in length, lying about 0.5 mile off the S side ofPulau Keureuse. The area has not been closely surveyed.
The islands may be approached close-to as all the rocks dry and are located near the shore. The tidal currents are weak between Pulau Gepon and Pulau Kereuse.
Pulau Nasi (Peunasoe or Aceh island), nearly joins the SE point of Pulau Breueh, being separated by Aroih Lam Puyang. The coast line is rocky in places with sandy beaches chiefly on the W side.
Pulau Keureuse (Nasi Kecil) or pulau Teunom, lies about 0.6 mile off the SW end of Pulau Breueh. A sand bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends NE for a distance of about 0.3 mile from the NE coast.
Aroih Keureuse is the passage between Pulau Breueh and Pulau Keureuse. The passage has a least depth of 12.8m with a least width of about 0.4 mile and is navigable. The tidal currents are strong, attaining a maximum velocity of 5 knots.
S of Balken Bay, affords anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon. A good position, in a depth of 16.5m, is with the NW point of the bay bearing 292°, and the S point 190°.The passage between the N entrance point of Lhok Lambaro and the W side of Pulau (Poelau) Klappa is not recommended ...
Pulau Bunta (Pulau Boenta) lies between Aroih Raya and Aroih Cut (Aroih Tjoet).
Pulo Bunta is the least interesting of the bigger islands in Pulo Aceh. It
has a light house and a few beaches, but difficult to swim due to the
barrier reefs and strong currents. There are no people ...