Pulau Penyengat (Indonesia)

Pulau Penyengat (Indonesia)

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Île / Atoll


Pulau Penyengat is a hilly thickly-wooded island located 1 mile W of Tanjungpinang; it is about 1 mile in length, 0.3 mile in breadth, and surrounded by a reef to the distance of 0.2 mile.

A conspicuous tree, the top of which is 38m in height above HW, stands on a hill at the W end of Pulau Penyengat.
The island is connected with Senggarang, N of it, by a flat with a depth of about 0.3m at LW, within which is Tanjungpinang inner roadstead.

A 2.2m patch lies 1.25 miles SW of the SW extremity of Pulau Penyengat, with a 3.3m patch about 0.1 mile E.

An obstruction lies about 2 miles SSW of the SW end of Pulau Penyengat.

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Pulau Penyengat (Indonesia)
Pulau Penyengat (Indonesia)
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  • publication date: 28 Jul 2024
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