Rade de Villefranche is entered between Pointe des Sans Culottes, the SE extremity of the Mont Boron promontory, and Pointe Malalongue, the SW extremity of Cap Ferrat, 1 mile SE. The bay extends N for 1.5 miles and offers sheltered anchorage to vessels of any size. It is used by vessels that cannot enter Nice.
The W coast of the bay is dominated by the promontory of Mont Boron. The E coast is formed by the rugged and moderately- elevated promontory of Cap Ferrat.
Cap Ferrat Light is shown from a structure, 32m high, standing close N of Pointe Malalongue. A large hotel, very prominent from seaward, stands 0.2 mile E of the light. A prominent signal station surmounts the summit of Cap Ferrat, which is 138m high and stands 0.5 mile N of Point Malalongue.
Anse de l'Espalmador, at the E side of the bay, offers shelter from E winds.
Speed is limited to 5 knots within an area which extends 1 mile S from the head of the bay.
Anchoring, fishing, and diving prohibited areas, the limits of which are shown on the chart, lie in the vicinity of Pointe des Sans Cullottes; in the vicinity of the shore, close NNW of Pointe Malalongue; and SW of Cap Ferrat. They extend up to 1.5 miles seaward.
This bay may sometimes be used by sea planes fighting forest fires.
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