Teluk Sabang (NE Weh)

Teluk Sabang (NE Weh)

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Teluk Sabang (NE Weh)


Port de commerce
Base Navale


Teluk Sabang is nearly 1 mile in length, the entrance being about 0.4 mile wide and the depths from 20 to 40m, with a bottom of sand, coral, and gravel.

A light is shown from the N side of the entrance of Teluk Sabang.
The E side of Teluk Sabang is fronted by a bank with depths under 5.5m to a distance of 183m.

Sabang is situated at the N end of the bay and offers good shelter year round.
Sabang is a free port, a small commercial port and naval base are situated here.

Depths—Limitations.—A general quay, 328m in length, with a depth of 8m alongside, lies at the N end of the harbor.
A tanker berth, 15m in length, with a depth of 9m alongside, is situated on the SE side of Tanjung Lhok Me.
The naval base has 180m of berthing, with 9m alongside. The PBS Quay is 50m in length, with 8m alongside.
Tides—Currents.—The range of the tide is 1.4m. No currents are experienced in Teluk Sabang or at the entrance. However, there is always a strong E current directly N of the entrance off Ujung Masam.

Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory. The signal station is on Peunimpun Hill. Pilots act as harbormasters for anchoring and berthing. Vessels should request the service of a pilot as early as possible. A small tug is available if ordered in advance.
Communications with the Peunimpun Hill Signal Station can be carried out by signal flag during daylight and by flashing light at night.

Anchorage.—Anchorage may be obtained in Teluk Sabang, about 0.3 mile E of Ujung Lho Me, on the N side of the bay. A depth of 36.6m, good holding ground, mud, is available.
Directions.—Vessels approaching Teluk Sabang from the N should steer for Pulau Klah, keeping at least 1 mile offshore, especially in the vicinity of Ujung Masam, in order to allow for the E current, until the bay is well open.

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Teluk Sabang (NE Weh)
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Teluk Sabang (NE Weh)
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Andaman sea

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  • publication date: 19 Jul 2024
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