The Butang group (Thaïland)

The Butang group (Thaïland)

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The Butang group (Thaïland)


Île / Atoll
Réserve naturelle Tarutao National Marine Park


The Butang group, part of Tarutao Marine National Park, provides the clearest waters and most beautiful coral gardens in the area. In their efforts to keep the coral in prime condition, the Thai authorities are levying heavy fines for any vessels found to be anchoring on the reefs. Anchor well off the reef edge or pick up a suitable mooring.

These granitic islands are blanketed by rain forest and fringed with white sand beaches similar to those found in the Similan Islands.

Access from the mainland is via Pak Bara, 60 miles from Satun. Ferries run into Koh Adang, Koh Rawi and Koh Lipe, which offer basic accommodation.

The only inhabited island of the archipelago is Ko Lipe.

The Butang group is part of Tarutao National Park.

Tarutao National Marine Park consists of 51 islands located in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Satun Province of Southern Thailand. The Tarutao National Marine Park consists of two island groups: Tarutao, and Adang-Rawi, which are scattered from 20 to 70 kilometers distance from the southwestern most point of mainland Thailand.
The park covers an area of 1,490 square kilometers (1,260 ocean, 230 island). The southern most end of the Park lies on the border with Malaysia. Tarutao became Thailand's second marine national park on April 19, 1974.

There are essentially 9 islands of note in the Tarutao/Adang-Rawi archipelagoes:

Tarutao Archipelago (located approximately 30 km off the Thai coast: Ko Tarutao - The largest of the islands, Ko Tarutao is 26.5 km long, and 11 km wide. The highest point is over 700 m. Forest covers over 60% of the island.

Klang Archipelago (located approximately 38 km off the Thai coast)

Ko Klang, Ko Khai, Ko Ta-Nga

Adang Archipelago (located approximately 45 km west of Tarutao)

Ko Adang, Ko Rawi , Ko Lipe, Ko Butang (also written as Tong or Dong;),

Ko Lek In the Adang Archipelago, the small island of Lipe is the most important. With water available year-round, it is the home of the largest permanent settlement, of approximately 800, and the gateway for boat transportation in and out of the Adang group.

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Andaman sea

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  • publication date: 19 Jul 2024
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