Vowler Bank (E Sumatra)

Vowler Bank (E Sumatra)

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Vowler Bank, with depths of less than 20m, lies with its NW end about 5 miles SE of the 2.4m depth on Rob Roy Bank. A 9.1m patch lies near the NW end of the bank and a similar depth lies s about 3 miles SE.
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Sumatra (Indonesia)

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  • publication date: 23 Jul 2024
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Flying distances - Direct line

Water islands (Malacca - Malaysia)

Between Melaka and Tanjong Seginting, about 46 miles SE, the low, thickly wooded coast is bordered by a mud bank which extends up to 2.5 miles offshore in places.
The Water Islands, centered about 8 miles SE of Melaka, consists of a group of six tree-covered islands of moderate ...
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Clark Bank (E Sumatra)

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Depths over these ridges range from 15.5 to 18.5m. Between these banks and the shoals extending from the coast of Sumatera there is a deep ...
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Pulau Melaka (Malacca - Malaysia)

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Pulau Upeh (Malacca - Malaysia)

Pulau Upeh (formely known as "Liha Das Pedras", meaning place of stones), a conspicuous, densely-wooded islet, about 34m high to the tops of the trees, stands offshore about 3 miles W of St. Paul’s Hill.
Pulau Upeh is a great weekend retreat in Melaka with its first class ...
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Foulerton shoal (Malacca - Malaysia)

Foulerton Shoal, with a depth of 10.4m, lies about 0.7 mile SSE of the lighted beacon on Pulau Panjang. A small sandy shoal, with a depth of 4.6m, lies about 0.2 mile NNW of the beacon on the E end.
5 Jan 12

Batu gelama rock (Malacca - Malaysia)

Batu Gelama, a rock which covers at HW, is marked by a lighted beacon.
A narrow ridge with depths of less than 5.5m extends about 1 mile WNW and 0.3 mile ESE of the beacon.
Two 4.9m patches lie between the NW end of this ridge and the ridge extending SE from Pulau Upeh.
5 Jan 12