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L'Angola est une ancienne colonie portugaise.
Angola, officially the Republic of Angola was a Portuguese colony from the 16th century to 1975.
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Siti intorno a Angola
Flying distances - Direct line
Lobito The Lobito port was built in 1928 after the Portuguese colonial authorities granted a concession to an Englishman, Sir Robert Williams. Sir Robert constructed a railway leading from Lobito deep into the heart of the continent, to transport millions of tons of copper and other minerals.
Luanda La ville fut fondée en 1575 par les Portugais sous le nom de São Paulo de Luanda et fut le centre administratif de la colonie d'Angola depuis 1627.
Port de Banana Le Port de Banana se trouve sur la rive nord de l'embouchure du Congo.
Kipundji Kipundji ou KupundjiWhite flash every 5 seconds, visible for 15 nautical miles.
Sea-Seek Guida Nautica Durante la navigazione, ricorda di aggiornare i dati. Se manca un porto, una marina o un ancoraggio, crealo. Grazie per tutti i navigatori.