Cap Bear located 5 miles NNW of Cap Cerbere, is the E extremity of a rocky promontory which terminates in a vertical black cliff, 9m high. The rugged terrain rises from this cliff to a height of 56m, about 0.3 mile inland. Fort Bear, an old fortress which is illuminated at night, stands on the summit of the promontory.
A light is shown from a pink square pyramidal tower with a red top, 27m high, standing 0.2 mile W of the extremity of the cape. A signal station, consisting of a prominent white building, is situated close W of the light.
Caution.—Numerous wrecks lie within 6 miles of Cap Bear. Due to the existence of submarine cables, an anchoring and trawling prohibited area, the limits of which are shown on the chart, lies in the vicinity of Cap Bear. The area is 1.5 miles wide and extends up to about 5.5 miles ESE of the cape, and up to 11 miles N of the cape.