Gulf of Finland
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Baltic sea 84 sites 71 photos publication date: 6 Aug 2024 .pdf file size: 70 Mb
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Siti intorno a Gulf of Finland
Flying distances - Direct line
Kotka Grand port protégé par une digue.
Tallinn Grand port de commerce protégé par une digue.
Turku - Forum Marinum Naval museum where you can see the tall ship "Suomen Joutsen". She was built in 1902 by Chantiers de Penhoët in St. Nazaire, France, as Laënnec. In 1930 she became a school ship for the Finnish Navy.
Sea-Seek Guida Nautica Durante la navigazione, ricorda di aggiornare i dati. Se manca un porto, una marina o un ancoraggio, crealo. Grazie per tutti i navigatori.