This island, lying about 18NM off the Pacific coast of Colombia, N of Guapi bay, is
another National Park. For many years it was a maximum security prison,
but now is a location for scientific research and tourism. It has a wide
range of marine species as well as coral reefs. A main attraction is
the humpbacked whales which come to mate there between June and October.
Approach should be made from the east. There are extensive shoals off
the southern end of the island. There are good lights marking the
Although it is possible to anchor, the Authorities prefer yachts to use one of their buoys.
There is a hotel and restaurant and several interesting walking trails.
Isla Gorgona (Colombia Pacific Coast)
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Siti intorno a Isla Gorgona (Colombia Pacific Coast)
Tumaco, petite ville insulaire, centre de ravitaillement régional. Important trafic de pirogues, seul moyen de transport local.Tumaco est relié par route à la Colombie; la ville dispose d'un aéroport desservi chaque jour par un DC 3; c'esdt aussi la base d'hélicos utilisés ...
This interesting, friendly town is on the border with Ecuador. It sits
on an island connected to the mainland by a causeway. Many of the houses
in the area are built on stilts over the water.
Tumaco is a military controlled port. You must call Guardacosta on VHF channel 16 ...
This port is located at about the midway point in Colombia's Pacific
coast. It has the reputaion of being one of the most violent cities in
the country. It's a port of entry.
National park with a park fee and anchoring fee. There is a small military force stationed here to watch the coast. The bay offer a very good protection.