Nongsa Point Marina

Nongsa Point Marina

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Marina. Nongsa Point Marina is a modern, fully functional, floating marina.  All berths have water and electricity - and after filtration it is potable.  The approach has good depth at all tides and the channel to the marina is well marked with port and starboard channel markers - these are lit at night.  The marina can be called on VHF channel 72.  The marina is equipped with very clean, modern showers and toilets.  Security is good with the marina patrolled by security guards 24/7.  Marina staff are very friendly and welcoming.  The berth rates are very reasonable - especially given the close proximity to Singapore.  The marina has a fuel dock that provides both diesel and petrol of very good quality.  The water cleanliness in the marina is very good.  However, occasionally some rubbish and oil from shipping will find its way into the marina.  In a North Easterly a bit of surge does penetrate the marina.

CIPQ Inwards/Outwards Clearance.  The Marina Staff complete all inwards/outwards clearance for you ie Immigration, customs, port and quarantine.  Usually takes about an hour for inwards.  Outwards, the staff require that you give them 24 hrs notice of your departure.  All bills, eg bar, restaurant, marina berthing electricity and water are invoiced and payable at the lobby reception.  On final payment you will be given your respective clearances papers.


Sumatra (Indonesia)

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