Connue pour être l'une des plus petites communes de France (257 électeurs) et la plus méridionale des Iles du Ponant, l'Ile d'Aix présente la forme d'un croissant de verdure et de sable au relief peu accentué, qui s'étend sur 130 hectares bordés de plages, de criques et de ...
The old port, is situated on the S side of the
city at the head of an inlet. It is one of the largest coastal and
deep-sea fishing ports in France and is equipped to process fish
in considerable amounts.
The main harbor comprises of a tidal basin, an outer wet basin,
and inner ...
Access channel dredged to the coast -1. The axis of the channel is materialized, day and night, by the alignment at 059 ° of the two headlights: octagonal white with green top for the rear (23 m) and cylindrical with red and white bands and red top for the previous (14 m). The channel ...