Baia de Mangaratiba is entered between Ponta do Bispo and Ponta da Cruz. This shallow bay is exposed to the sea, which breaks heavily on its NW shore. The town of Mangaratiba stands on the E side of the bay and has a small concrete pier. Laje de Mangaratiba, low, dark-colored, and steep-to, lies in the approach to Baia de Mangaratiba, and shows a light.
Between Laje de Mangaratiba and Ponta do Leme, about 10 miles to the WSW, the coast is fringed by off-lying islets and indented by small bays
Ilha Pau a Pino is located about 3 miles N of Enseada das Palmas and rises sheer from the sea. The island has little vegetation, but shows a light. A rocky ledge extends about 0.2 mile SW from the island.
Enseada das Palmas lies 2,5 NM NW of Ponta de Castelhanos.
The bay is separated into two small coves by Pontinha.
Anchorage can be obtained in the SE part of the bay in depths of about 11m, and small craft may anchor off the head of the S cove, in a depth of about 7m.
Enseada do Abraao lies about 2 NM NW of ensenada das Palmas. On the W shore of the bay are the large buildings of a disused quarantine station and a small landing pier.
Abraao, a small fishing village, stands at the head of the bay. Vessels drawing up to 3m can berth at ...
This club, set across the Bay of Angra from the town, is the most protected anchorage in the area. All facilities of well appointed club with small boatyard with GRP, wood and metal repair facilities.