Beresford channel Nicobar

Beresford channel Nicobar

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Beresford channel Nicobar




Beresford Channel is entered from the S through False Bay. Both shores are fronted by reefs and shoals that extend almost 0.8 mile offshore.
A number of shoals, with depths of 5.5 to 11m, lie in the middle of the S part of the channel. The channel on both sides of Middle Reef, which lies about 3.5 miles NNW of Morrel Point, is about 183m wide.
The W channel has depths of 7.6 to 25.6m and the E channel has depths of 5.8 to 20.1m. The area N of Trinkat Island has not been closely examined.

A channel, about 91m wide and having depths of over 18.3m, forms the inner entrance of Expedition Harbor, between the reefs fringing Wasp Point and Satellite Point. The channel passes about 91m N of the latter point.
Middle Reef, an extensive drying shoal, lies in the middle of the fairway, abreast of Devils Point. A channel, about 183m wide and having depths of 12.4m, leads between the SE end of Middle Reef and the reef fringing Edgecumbe Point.
A drying reef extends 0.2 mile SE from Foul Point, about 0.5 mile NE of Devils Point. A channel, about 183m wide with a least depth of 23.8m, leads between the SW end of this reef and the N end of Middle Reef.


Andaman sea

  • 177 sites
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  • publication date: 19 Jul 2024
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