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Diesel is available at the Old Quay and gas is available across the road. Petrol is available a 5 minute walk away. A well stocked chandlers is situated in the town centre.
Campbeltown is the perfect 'getaway' destination with plenty to offer the whole family. Golf, cycling & walking routes, modern swimming pool and horse riding are some of the activities on offer.
Situated directly in the town centre there is a wide choice of shops, cafes, bars, restaurants and supermarkets within easy walking distance.
Campbeltown Airport with its scheduled flights to Gaslgow is a 10 minute taxi ride away. In summer months there is a car ferry link to Ardrossan and a passenger only fast ferry to Ballycastle and Islay.
Email - campbeltownmarina@btinternet.com
Tel; 07798 524 821
Ebook | Irish sea