SW of Corsica offers some of the most beautiful anchorages. As you get closer to Bonifacio be carreful with the weather forecast as the NW wind can be very strong.
The range of the tide in this area is negligible. There are no regular currents along the coasts of Corse, ...
“Les îles sanguinaires” meaning the bloody Island as in the old days, a lot of ships sank and their crews where crushed on the rocky landscape of those sharp islands. There is a beautiful 1608 Geonese tower on one of the main island from this small archipelago.
Si vous souhaitez faire des photos de carte postale, venez à la Cala d'Orzu avec une mer plate.
Plage devenue célèbre pour ses paillotes où l'on peut déguster langoustes et poissons grillés. Pour les amateurs de restauration, le célèbre restaurateur local vient vous ...