Cette île de forme arondie et à la végétation luxuriante est proche de la célèbre passe de Vadoo, ce qui en fait l'une des bases préférées des plongeurs.
Funadhoo (Funidu) lies about 0.3 mile N of the E end of Male, and is surrounded by a reef which dries in places. A small tank farm, with three large and about six smaller tanks,stands on the island.
Hulule, about 0.6 mile E of Funadhoo, bears some tall coconut palms; an airstrip runs the full length of the island and joins it to an islet close S. Airport buildings and a small village lie along the central part of the W side of Hulule. The Malé International Airport is located ...
Malé is the capital of the Republic of Maldives located at the southern edge of North Male' Atoll Kaafu. Traditionally it was the King's Island from where the ancient Maldive Royal dynasties ruled and where the palace was located. Formerly it was a walled city surrounded by fortifications ...
Eastern reef of Male’, Southern tip of North Male’ Atoll: A couple of
shifting peaks, popular with locals, riding surfboards and boogie
boards. The reef picks up plenty of swell. Best in W winds. Accessible
from the shore.
South West Harbor is protected by a rough breakwater of heaped coral extending 0.15 mile from the SW extremity of Male. The harbor is used by inter-island trading boats, cargo lighters, and deep-draft vessels at anchor. The Custom House lies on the main quay facing the main ...
The Maldives group of Islands extends in a N/S direction from 00 41.48 S
to approx 08 00N, to the SW of the Indian subcontinent. Male' the
principal port, is centrally situated on the E side of the group.
The inner harbor is used by small local craft and has depths of 1.8 to 3m. ...