The construction of the Hanstholm lighthouse was a very dramatic events. It was built at Hanstholmen in agreement with England. Construction of the lighthouse began in summer 1842 by architect Holgreen court architect Jørgen H. Koch. bricklayer master G. Sibbern was general contractor. When in November 1842 would put lights and lighthouse beacon apparatus, it appeared that the tower was cracked. Architect Holgreen who had primary responsibilitty for design errors, took himself of days in April 1843, and a new architect, Jens P. Jacobsen got yik task to tear the lighthouse cracked down and then build a new one. On 6. November 1843, it became clear new lighthouse, and 15. December the same year, Denmark's brightest beacon lit.
Lodbjerg fyr blev bygget i 1883. Det er opført af svensk granit og er 35 m. højt. Det er ligesom Hanstholm Fyr (bygget 1843) et såkaldt anduvningsfyr der vejleder skibene på det åbne hav. Lyset fra fyret kan i klart vejr ses 35 km. ud over havet, og ...
Bovbjerg LighthouseLemvigA bit gloomy is the 24 meter high Bovbjerg right out to the West Coast in Ferring parish. It is a significant clay hill that shoots out into the sea at this point. In 1876-77 they constructed a lighthouse on this place where many shipwreks had occurred. ...