Petit port et zone de mouillage au sud de Lampaul (en fond de baie) bien protégé de l'E et du N. Vu l'orientation de la baie, le SW rend par contre le mouillage désagréable.
Le Stiff Light is shown from a conspicuous structure formed by two adjoining towers, 32m high, standing near Pointe du Stiff, the NE extremity of the island. A prominent signal station tower (Vigie du Stiff), 72m high, is situated 0.3 mile NE of this light.
Creac’h Light is shown from a conspicuous tower, 55m high, standing on Pointe de Creac’h, near the W end of the island. A racon is situated at this light, but it can only be used by vessels passing NW of the island.