The Pelagie Islands (Italian Isole Pelagie), from the Greek pelaghi meaning high sea, are the three small volcanic islands of Lampedusa, Linosa, and Lampione, located in the Mediterranean Sea between Malta and Tunisia, south of Sicily. Of particular ecological concern in the islands is the protection of the Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) which is endangered throughout the Mediterranean as a result of its nesting sites being taken over by tourism. In Italy the beaches of Pozzolana di Ponente on Linosa and Isola dei conigli on Lampedusa are the last remaining sites where the turtle regularly lays its eggs. The Area Marina Protetta Isole Pelagie nature reserve, covering all three islands, was instituted in 2002.
Situées dans le canal de Sicile, les îles Pelagie sont composées de Linosa, Lampedusa et Lampione. Elles se trouvent au SSE de Pantelleria et à l'WSW de Malte. Elles sont toutes basses et, en majeure partie dépourvues de végétation. Il n'y a aucun port ou mouillage sûr excepté Lampedusa.
L'isola più grande è Lampedusa, con circa 20 km² di superficie ed è anche la più popolosa delle tre (5000 abitanti). La seconda isola per estensione è Linosa, mentre la più piccola è la disabitata Lampione.
The Mediterranean island of Lampedusa (Italian: Isola di Lampedusa; Sicilian: Isula di Lampidusa) belongs to Italy and is the largest of the Pelagie Islands, situated 205 km from Sicily and 113 km from Tunisia. Its population subsists on fishing, agriculture and tourism. It is a major ...
Linosa is a Mediterranean island and one of the small Pelagie Islands which are part of the province of Agrigento, Italy. The island is situated 205 km from Sicily and 113 km from Tunisia. Its population subsists on fishing, agriculture and tourism.
Principal port de l'île, situé sur la côte S, à l'E de la pointe Arena Bianca. Seules les petites embarcations peuvent accoster au quai. Protégé des vents d'E et NW. Profondeur: 1/8 m Longueur maxi: 10 m
Minuscule crique sur la côte E de l'île. L'entrée fait un peu plus de 100 m de large . Ouvert à l'E, on mouille par 4/10 m avec une amarre à terre. Attention le fond de la crique est peu profond.