Kepulaun Mentawai (Mentawei islands) (W Sumatra)

Kepulaun Mentawai (Mentawei islands) (W Sumatra)

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Kepulaun Mentawai (Mentawei islands) (W Sumatra)


Island / Atoll


Kepulaun Mentawai consists of four large inhabited islands, namely Siberut, Sipura, Pagai Utara, and Pagai Selatan, and of several smaller islands, which are not inhabited.
They are of volcanic formation and earthquakes occur from time to time. They are hilly.
The temperature and climatic phenomena vary considerably on the E and W coasts. When the wind is blowing hard from the W or NW on the W coasts there are sometimes fresh E winds on the E coasts. There are no definite wet or dry seasons.

The W and NW winds usually bring rain, but the rainfall is also heavy in the Southeast Monsoon period. At these times the weather is very variable, and days of rain are succeeded by bright and clear weather.

The E coasts are particularly unhealthful. Discolored water is often met with off the E coasts of Kepulaun Mentawai, although during surveys of this area no bottom was found with 183m of wire out.
The villages of Kepulaun Mentawai are small and rarely exceed 100 inhabitants. Siberut, situated on Pulau Siberut, at its SE end, is the only village of any importance. A Government official resides here. The inhabitants of the islands live mostly in the interior as the coastal areas are generally swampy.
In language, customs and appearance, the people are unlike those of Sumatera and their origin is uncertain. They are very primitive and wear little clothing. Both sexes are generously tatooed.
The people are peaceful and honest, but very shy.


Sumatra (Indonesia)

  • 326 sites
  • 109 photos
  • publication date: 7 Aug 2024
  • .pdf file size: 109 Mb
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Sites around Kepulaun Mentawai (Mentawei islands) (W Sumatra)

Flying distances - Direct line

Gosong Makasar (W Sumatra)

Gosong Makasar (Makasser Reef), with a depth of 0.6m, lies about 12 miles SSE of the S extremity of Pulau Bodjo. It is easily recognized in the daytime by the high breakers on its shallow portion.
The reef extends 1 mile beyond the breakers.
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Ujung Masang (W Sumatra)

Ujung Masang is low, with a reef stretching out about 0.5 mile and should not be approached in depths of less than 31m.
The Sungai Masang enters the sea at the point.
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Karang Posumah (Van Bylandt Reefs) (W Sumatra)

Karang Posumah consists of two patches, located about 7 miles ENE and E, respectively, of Pulau Bodjo; they have depths of 4.9 to 5.5m.
The SW side of the bank is very steep-to, but the NE side is more shelving. The shallowest parts may occasionally be distinguished by the swell, ...
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Pulau Bodjo (W Sumatra)

Pulau Bodjo, lying about 2 miles S of the SE extremity of Pulau Tanahbala, is densely woodedand about 150m high. It is fringed by a steep-to reef which nearly dries, extending about 0.3 mile offshore in places.
A light is shown from the S side of the island.
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Karang Sirene (Sirene Reefs)

Sirene Reefs, one of the outermost dangers in this locality, consist of four heads, of which the westernmost and the southernmost, with 0.9m of water, sometimes break; there are depths of 1.4 and 6.9m on the other two patches.
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Ujung Tuan (W Sumatra)

The coastal plain between the Sungai Singkil and Udjung Tuan, about 156 miles SE, is generally narrow, being backed by mountains with numerous peaks. Ujung Tuan is a rocky point. A 175m hill, with a remarkable broad conical summit, lies close SE of the point.To Udjung Tuan, about ...
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