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Ebook | Istrie (Istra)
The Lim bay and valley is a peculiar geographic feature found near Rovinj and Vrsar on the western coast of Istria, south of Porec, Croatia.
The Lim valley is the 35 km long valley of the river Pazincica, which transforms into the Lim bay, a 10 kilometer long estuary. It is often called "Limski Fjord", or also "Lim fjord". The Croats call it Limski zaljev or Limski kanal ("Lim Channel") and grow fish and oysters there.
Declared a nature reserve, the yachts do not have access. Valalta Marina, located at the entrance, is a naturist marina.
La vallée de la rivière Pazincica, est longue de 35 km et se transforme dans la baie de Limski, en un estuaire 10 km de long. Elle est souvent appelée "Fjord de Lim", ou encore "fjord Lim». Les Croates l'appellent zaljev Limski ou kanal Limski ("Lim Channel") et y font l'élevage de poissons et d'huîtres.
Déclarée zone protégée, les yachts n'y ont pas accès. La marina Valalta, située à l'entrée, est une marina naturiste.