Latitude | Longitude | |
DMS | --- | --- |
DM | --- | --- |
DD | --- | --- |
Depths—Limitations.—Loaded vessels up to 60,000 dwt, with a maximum length of 200m and a maximum draft of 11.5m, can be accommodated.
Eight deep-water berths, No. 1 through No. 7 and No. 9, have lengths of between 150 to 200m and depths alongside of 12.2m. The inner approaches are dredged to a depth of 12.2m.
The main basin is dredged to a depth of 12.2m.
Aspect.—The breakwaters protecting the port are reported to be radar conspicuous. There are two prominent silver-grey silos in the vicinity of the harbor. Two conspicuous chimneys rise from the cement factory 1 mile ESE of the harbor area.
A prominent flare stack stands near the coast 2 miles S of the harbor entrance. It is reported to be visible for some distance offshore. Two oil tanks stand close S of the flare stack.
A sector light, leading through the harbor entrance, stands on the S breakwater.
A red warning light, which flashes in the vicinity of the sector light, indicates helicopters are operating from a nearby heliport.
Pilotage.—Pilotage is compulsory and is available 24 hours.
Contact Information.—The port authority can be contacted, as follows:
1. Telephone: 971-7-2668444
2. Facsimile: 971-7-2668533
3. E-mail: mspamis@emirates.net.ae
The control tower can be contacted, as follows:
1. Call sign: Saqr Port Authority
2. VHF: VHF channels 14 and 16
3. Telephone: 971-7-2668051
The pilot boards about 2 miles N of the head of the W breakwater.
Regulations.—The vessel’s ETA should be sent to the vessel’s agent or the harbormaster 48 hours in advance, stating the vessel’s length, draft, and full details of cargo.
Contact Port Control on VHF channel 16 at least 2 hours prior to arrival.
Vessels at anchor should maintain a continuous listening watch on VHF channel 16.
Anchorage.—Three designated anchorage areas, best seen on the chart, are located NW of the harbor entrance and are designated for use, as follows:
1. Anchorage Zone I—for vessels less than 50m loa, barges, and small craft.
2. Anchorage Zone II—for vessels greater than 50m loa.
3. Anchorage Zone III—for bunkering vessels only.
Caution.—Pipelines, best seen on the chart, extend N and NW from the shore close SW of the Khawr al Khuwayr.
Caution is necessary when using Anchorage Zone I as an obstruction, marked N and S by lighted buoys and best seen on the chart, is located in the center of the area.
3. E-mail: mspamis@emirates.net.ae
La tour de contrôle peut être contactée directement, comme suit:
1. Indicatif d'appel: Saqr Port AuthorityEbook | Persian Gulf - Arabian Gulf