N side of Corsica is a narrow peninsula of about twenty miles long that points to the N. This is the kingdom of Aeolus that, for no apparent reason can become hysterical.
The island Giraglia scans the horizon of his powerful light, allowing an easy landing for those who have chosen as a base, coming from France or Italy. There is no real shelter in coves, few indeed, when the Tramontana Libeccio or Full Throttle, the only possible shelter Macinaggio harbor.
Nord Corse - North Corse
Pietranera, lever de soleils face à l'île d'Elbe.
Le N de la corse est une étroite presqu'île d'une vingtaine de milles de long qui pointe vers le N. C'est le royaume d'Eole qui, sans raison apparente peut devenir hystérique.
L'îlot Giraglia balaye l’horizon de son phare puissant, permettant un atterrissage aisé pour ceux qui l'auront choisi comme point de chute en venant de France ou d'Italie.
Il n'y a pas d'abri véritable dans ses criques, peu nombreuses d'ailleurs, quand le Libeccio ou la Tramontane se déchaînent,seul abri possible le port de Macinaggio.
Capo Sagro is located at 11 NM. S Finocchiarola islands. He has a signal station and a semaphore rises N of it. Mount Merizatodio, 778 m high, is 1.5 MN to W Cape and dominates the immediate area.
The village of Erbalunga, situated 1.5 miles SSW of Capo Sagro, stands on the S ...
Capraia is one of the seven islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, on the road between Cape Corsica and Elba. It is an island of 335 inhabitants (the Capraiesi) of the Province of Livorno. It lies 64 km from Livorno, 37 km from Gorgona and 31 km from Corsica. Its area is 19 km2. It has ...
La cala di Arinella or Arinetta is located E from the signal station of Cape Grosso. During good weather it is a beautiful place and there is never anyone!Yuo can anchor in front of shingle beach, there is enough water. Grosso cape, 127m high, is located 1.2 miles NE of Capo ...
Giraglia island lies N of the peninsula of Cap Corse, 1 mile NNW of Punta d’Angelo. This small island lies at the N end of the coastal bank and is steep and surmounted by an old square tower. A light is shown from a prominent tower, 26m high, standing on the N part of the island.It ...
The marina of Tollare is located in the district of Ersa (135 inhabitants), in the extreme N of Cape Corse.Tollare, at the mouth of Granaghjulu river, extends its old houses around the chapel of St. Anne and its Genoese tower built round slate.
Capo Bianco, the NW extremity of the peninsula of Cap Corse, has a whitish appearance, but the coast to the N of it is rugged and black. We can anchor between cape Bianco and Centuri. Sheltered from E wind, but open at from the offshore.