Otok Prezba

Otok Prezba

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Island / Atoll


Prežba is a small uninhabited island in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea, located northwest of the island of Lastovo in southern Dalmatia.

It is connected to Lastovo by a bridge at the village of Pasadur on Lastovo.
Prežba's area is 2.81 km², but its coastline is 14.23 km long, due to the large number of coves on the island. Its highest peak is 136 m above sea level and there is a lighthouse on the south side of the island, across the bay from Ubli.

Prezba est une petite île croate inhabitée de la mer Adriatique, située au NW de l'île Lastovo, au S de la Dalmacie.

Elle est reliée à Lastovo par un pont, au niveau du village de Pasadur, sur Lastovo.

Prezba a une surface de 2,81 km² et une longueur de côte de 14,23 km. Elle offre de nombreuses grottes. Elle culmine à 136 m et possède un phare au S, face à Ubli.


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Sites around Otok Prezba

Flying distances - Direct line

Luka Velji Lago Lastovo

Luka Velji Lago is a deep cove lined by O. Lastovo to E & O. Prezba the N and W.
The entrance is on the W coast of Lastovo.
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10 May 11

Otok Kopiste Lastovo

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Elle est entourée de trois îlots: O. Bijelac, O. Pod Kopiste et O Crnac.
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Uvala Vela Luka Korcula

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Easily identifiable by day or night, you can enter this great bay in all weather.
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21 May 11

Otocic Mrcara Lastovo

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Mrcara is about 2,5 miles away from Ubli, the Port ...
12 May 11

Luka Mali Lago Lastovo

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Luka Jurjeva Prezba

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In the southwestern part of the bay there is a slipway for seaplanes and a shallow area where the rocks emerge.
You can anchor the middle of ...
11 May 11