Piccola Marina is located W town, behind Sant'Elia promontory, in the resort area. It is protected by a breakwater 300 m long breakwater ending in a large square. Inside there are some floating piers.
Port touristique situé à l'W de la ville, derrière le promontoire de Sant'Elia, dans la zone balnéaire. Il est protégé par un brise-lames coudé de 300m de long et par un mole qui se termine par une grande place. A l'intérieur se trouvent quelques pontons flottants.
Porto turistico situato a W della città, dietro il promontorio di Sant’Elia, nella zona balneare. È protetto da un molo di sopraflutto a gomito banchinato internamente lungo 300 m e da un molo di sottoflutto che termina con un ampio piazzale. All'interno vi sono alcuni pontili galleggianti.
Quartu gulf lies between Foxi tower and S. Elia cape, in the Cagliari Gulf.It is not recommended to anchor in the Quartu bay.Ancorage is also prohibited in a strip between the bearings to 314 ° of Mezza Spiaggia tower and 316 ° to the S. Elia E end cape and extending to 7 NM of shore.
S. Elia cape is a pronotory with remarkable white patches on the W tip.At E end tip, is Del Poetto tower, that overlooks Piccola marina. S. Elia tower (1282) is located between the lighthouse and Del Poetto tower. It is partly in ruins and is 139 m above sea level. Finally on a ...
Sant'Elmo marina is inside Cagliari harbour, in Su Siccu area, between Del Sole Quay and di Levante new mole.Tel: 070-344169 Fax: +39 3289 781391 Mail: marinasantelmo@yahoo.it 200 b. (<36 m)
Small harbour in the S. Elmo mole, just W of the basin, in the SE area of Cagliari harbour. 404 b. (<40 m) tel 070 308 730 fax 070 383 7951 Mail marinadelsole@tiscalinet.it GENERALITY:Cagliari is a major trading port, pleasant and located in the heart of the city. Founded ...
Bonaria Marinais located within the port of Cagliari, more precisely between the new basin and E of Marina del Sole. Within the basin there are some pontoons. tel 370380 Fax 300240 302 b. (<30 m)