Este puerto deportivo se encuentra a 5 minutos a pie del centro de San Feliu de Guixols. Atención por vientos S o NE, la entrada al puerto es peligrosa, es mejor fondear en Palamós.
T. 972 321 700
F. 972 321 300
430 b. (<25 m)
Profundidad: 3 à 7 m
2012:06:02 12:05:17
Ce port de plaisance se trouve à 5 minutes à pied du centre ville de San Feliu de Guixols. Attention, par vents de S ou NE, l'entrée du port est dangereuse, il vaut mieux aller mouiller à Palamos.
The large open bay of San Pol or San Agaro leads between Del Mula point and d'en Pau point. It is protected from all except SE. Good holding in sand depth about 5m. Choose the protected side of the bay and anchor close in. In summer yellow buoys cone off the beach area and ...
Palamos bay is limited W by Cabo de Rocas Planas and E Punta de Palamos or del Molino.Palamos harbour lies in the NE part of the bay.Dangers: a rock with a depth of 3,4 m (Lloja or Loja de Palamos) lies about 0,5 NM SW of Punta del Molino and is marked by a lighted beacon.