Palamos bay is limited W by Cabo de Rocas Planas and E Punta de Palamos or del Molino.Palamos harbour lies in the NE part of the bay.Dangers: a rock with a depth of 3,4 m (Lloja or Loja de Palamos) lies about 0,5 NM SW of Punta del Molino and is marked by a lighted beacon.
Palamos has two harbours - one within the fishing harbour at the northern end of the bay, and another round the corner to the North. Both are very full all the time.
T. 972 601 000F. 972 602 266M. info@marinapalamos.com866 b. (<30 m)
Cabo Gros, à l'E de la baie de Palamos, est un promontoire escarpé. La côte qui lui fait suite jusqu'au cap San Sebastian, présente une succession d'anses séparées par des pointes. Les plus importantes, qui servent d'abri pour les navires côtiers, sont près du cap Gros et ...
Las Hormigas (Islas Formigues) is a group of 16 rocks located at 3 NM of Palamos port, between Palafurgell of Catella and Palamos. Formed of bare rocks, almost devoid of vegetation, they can be virtually hidden when the sea is rough. This is why a light ...
Located between Punta d'en Planch and Cabo San Sebastian, the small Llafranc cove is bordered by a beautiful sandy beach and offers on its E side the Llafranc yacht club.
Marina situated in the tourist resort of Pltja d'Aro, between a hill and the S part of platja d'Aro.T. 972818 929F. 972 825 509M. cnportdaro@portdaro.net845 b. incl. 40 visit. (<25 m)