Valras-Plage, a resort, is situated at the mouth of the River Orb, 6.5 miles NE of Rocher St. Pierre. A yacht and fishing craft harbor is situated within the river mouth. A casino and a large water tower stand in this vicinity and are excellent landmarks from seaward.
Port de plaisance
qui se situe à un mille de l'embouchure de l'Aude, rive gauche en remontant. Possibilité de mettre les bateaux sur la rive ou bien dans les 2 bassins du port. Le port est équipé de 230 anneaux à l'année et de 80 en saison (de juin à septembre). Ouverture ...
The town of Agde is situated 2 miles above the entrance to the River Herault and is fronted by depths of 3 to 6m. Small craft with local knowledge use the river.
Ilot Brescou, formed by a flat rock, lies 1 mile SW of Cap d’Agde and is surmounted by the grey structure of Fort Brescou. A light is shown from a structure, 11m high, standing at the S corner of the fort. This islet is surrounded by dangers and foul ground.