The N coast of Pulau Nias, which forms the S side of Pulau Nias North Channel, is low, but there is a range of hills extending S from Tanjung Siginingini, the N extremity of the island, to Maziaja Mountain.
Pulau Wunga, about 8 NM S of Pulau Mausi, is low andcovered with coconut trees. A large conspicuous tree, visible for 16 miles, is located on a small elevationnear the N end. The reef extending from the N side of the island is ordinarily marked by high rollers; on the S side ...
Pulau Sarangbaung lies 10.5 miles NNE of the N extremity of Pulau Nias. There is a break in the reef on the SE side where boats can land at a village. The island is overgrown with coconuts and is visible for 12 miles.
Teluk Siaba, the N anchorage of Pulau Nias, is entered W of Tanjung Dowi. There are two inlets on its W side. Anchorage may be obtained in Teluk Siaba, in depths of 29m to 40m, giving some shelter from N or W winds.
From Pulau Senau, lying about 11 miles ENE of Tanjung Tojolawa, the coast is completely exposed to N and NW squalls. They are prevalent here during the months of October, November, and the first part of December; they may be exceptionally heavy and cause a heavy swell and much ...
Tanjung Laaja is the N end of the slope of a hill backing the coast. It is covered with coconut trees, steep-to, and free from dangers but is difficult to identify.