Krueng Jambuair (Djambo Aje) (N Sumatra)
The sea usually breaks over the bar at LW, with discolored water from the river sometimes extending as much as 4 miles from the mouth.
Latitude | Longitude | |
DMS | --- | --- |
DM | --- | --- |
DD | --- | --- |
On the cape a 44 m skeletal tower on an octagonal base, is located about 0,5 miles WSW of the point. It's a Lighthouse painted white. This lighthouse is on Sumatra's northern "shoulder," marking the south side of the entrance to the Strait of Malacca. Located on Tanjung (cape) Jambuair, about 40 km east of Lhokseurnawe.
A white framework water tower stands on the W bank of Tangung Jambuair, about 1 mile SW of the light.
A spit, with depths of less than 5m, extends about 2.7 miles NW from the point and is fairly steep-to on its NE side, over which the sea breaks in places. Discolored water has been reported about 2 miles N of the lighthouse and vessels are advised not to approach in depths of less than 20m especially during the Northwest Monsoon, when there is a heavy swell.
The tidal currents set SE and NW. The NW set, being increased by the prevailing NW current, is stronger and of longer duration than the SE set. At springs the current sometimes attains a rate of 3 knots, but in the offing it seldom exceeds l.5 knots.
The tidal currents are weak near the coast W of Tanjung Jambuair.
Ebook | Andaman sea