Tg Tuan or Rachado cape (Malacca - Malaysia)

Tg Tuan or Rachado cape (Malacca - Malaysia)

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Tg Tuan or Rachado cape (Malacca - Malaysia)




Tg Tuan or Rachado cape (Malacca - Malaysia)

Strait of Malacca (East)

  • 83 sites
  • 69 photos
  • publication date: 22 Jul 2024
  • .pdf file size: 36 Mb
Tanjung Tuan, also called Cape Rachado, is the site of the oldest - and still functioning - lighthouse in Malaysia.
Cape Rachado Lighthouse, also called Rumah Api Tanjung Tuan, was built somewhere between 1528 and 1529 by the Portuguese to help guide ships to the Malacca port. It is located between the Malacca and Port Dickson.
Today it houses a MEASAT Rader for broadcasts and communications.

Tanjung Tuan is about 8 NM SSE of Port Dickson, and  it is a steep bluffy headland covered with trees. It is easily distinguished because it is the highest hill in the vicinity. From a distance the cape appears as an island. There are considerable depths about 1 mile off the cape.

Although it is located within Negri Sembilan, it is actually part of Malacca.
At this point, the Straits of Malacca is a mere 40km in width.
Tanjung Tuan is where Battle of Cape Rachado was fought in 1606, between the Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) and the Portuguese. This is the initial foray mounted by the coalition of Dutch-Johor forces against Portuguese Malacca which ultimately led to the surrender of the Portuguese of Malacca to the Dutch in 1641.

A wreck with a depth of 10m, whose charted position is approximate, lies 6 miles SSE of Tanjung Tuan.
An 8.5m patch lies about 8 miles SE of the same point.

Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 20m, E of the light but care should be taken to avoid the charted 7.6m patch on Pedoman Shoal, 1.25 miles E of the light.

From Tanjong Tuan, the low wooded coast of Sumatera, about 20 miles distant, can be seen.
The Strait of Malacca is narrower here than at any other part NW of Melaka.

The bottom area between 1 and 12 miles SW of Tanjong Tuan and extending 10 miles in either direction along the axis of the fairway consists almost entirely of sand waves, some more than 9.1m from trough to crest, which gives rise to very irregular depths, many of which are a danger to vessels drawing more than 13.5m. The positions of these shoals can best be seen on the chart.

The main depths consist of a depth of 15.8m about 6 miles W of Tanjong Tuan; a line of shoals lying roughly along the axis of the fairway, with depths of between 14 and 18m from a position about 8 miles S of Tanjong Tuan; a 14m patch 10.5 miles SSW of Tanjong Tuan; and a ridge with depths of between 14.3 and 17.1m between 6 and 7.75 miles SSE of Tanjong Tuan.
A rock, with a least depth of 8.5m, lies 7.5 miles SE of Tanjong Tuan.
Off Tanjong Tuan, the tidal currents set SE and NW at a rate of from 2 to 2.5 knots; the SE current begins from 3 to 4 hours after HW at Penang and runs for 6 hours.
The coast between Tanjong Tuan and the entrance of the Sungai Linggi, about 7 miles ESE, is indented by a shallow bay. The Sungai Linggi is navigable at HW by craft drawing 1.8m as far as Pengkalan Kempas.

A rock located between the entrance points of the river covers when there is a depth of 3m on the bar; this danger is marked by a beacon.

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