Del Budello tower, W Teulada gulf, was built by merchant Pietro Porta, in 1601, on a promontory overlooking the narrow bay of Porto Teulada, to control the entry and defend the fishpond of Teulada, located in the inner basin.
The imposing building, about 12 meters high and with a base circumference of less than 33 meters, has an inner chamber surmounted by a dome, supported by a large central column, and is equipped with a fireplace, skylight and two slits. A door leads to the staircase leading to the terrace.
La tour del Budello, à l'W du golfe de Teulada, a été construite par le marchand Pietro Porta en 1601, sur un promontoire dominant la baie étroite de Porto Teulada, pour contrôler l'entrée de l'étang de Teulada situé dans le bassin intérieur et le défendre.
Le bâtiment imposant, haut d'environ 12 m et avec une circonférence de base de moins de 33 m, présente une chambre intérieure surmontée d'un dôme, supporté par une colonne centrale large, et est équipé d'une cheminée, un espace et deux fentes. Une porte mène à l'escalier menant à la terrasse.
La torre del Budello, all'W del porto Teulada, venne fatta costruire dal mercante Pietro Porta nel 1601 sul promontorio
che domina la stretta insenatura di Porto Budello, per controllarne l'ingresso e difendere la
peschiera di Teulada, situata nel bacino interno.
L’imponente edificio, alto circa 12 metri e con
una circonferenza alla base di ben 33 metri, presenta una camera interna sormontata da una cupola,
sostenuta da una larga colonna centrale, ed è munita di camino, lucernario e due feritoie. Una
porta interna immette alla scala che porta sul terrazzo.
Porto Teulada is a small bay that lies in N Teulada gulf.W bay, Rossa island stands on the coast.Anchorage by 16 m . Beware to shoals tha lie NE of the Niedda point.
The Port, which overlooks the narrow inlet of the old Porto Budello, is resting on the ground in the North, Northwest, West. NE it is protected by a breakwater and a quay with two arms to the South and Southeast. The first arm quay is reserved for the local fishing class. 150 ...
Portu Tramatzu is located W Teulada port, it is between two promontories and rocks that delimited at at each end, Punta Niedda to E and Punta Pala Levante to W.
A sandy beach borders the bay and facing it is Rossa island.
Isola Rossa is 0.5 NM S Punta Niedda. It is 54 m high, red and stands out from the coast. SE of the island is shaped like a saddle, but seen from the SW only a small hill is visible.