Hirsholm I 1886-87 opførtes det nuværende fyrtårn, som er 27 m. højt og bygget af granitsten fra Hirsholmene. Både det gamle og det nye fyrtårn er placeret på øens højeste punkt, det seks meter høje Ørnebjerg. Det gamle fyr er naturligvis ikke i drift mere, men eksisterer ...
The Gray LighthouseSkagenIn 1857-58 Skagen new lighthouse was built by architect N.S. Nebelong little further out towards the branch than the white lighthouse. The 46 meter tall lighthouse ia built on a formidable foundation consisting of 429 meter long piles stk.16 is struck ...
Fornæs LighthouseGrenaaAfter England War 1807-14 was the marking of the Danish coasts to a halt. In 1830 lighthouse inspector C.A. Leth responsible for the Danish lighthouse. And he spent 1838-1839 two new lighthouse construction, first lighthouse at Hirsholmen and then lighthouse ...