Selat Padang, the channel between Pulau Bengkalis and Pulau Padang to the S, is in frequentuse by small craft trading between Singapore and Bengkalis.
The channel is almost 1 mile wide with depths of 6 to 14m in the fairway. The channel is contracted to a width of 0.3 mile at its SE entrance by the extending shoal which has a least depth of 4.8m.
In Selat Padang the E current has a maximum rate of 2 knots and makes about 2 hours after LW. The W current has a maximum rate of about 3 knots and makes about 2 hours after HW. Toward neaps the currents are very weak but the W current predominates.
Between Melaka and Tanjong Seginting, about 46 miles SE, the low, thickly wooded coast is bordered by a mud bank which extends up to 2.5 miles offshore in places. The Water Islands, centered about 8 miles SE of Melaka, consists of a group of six tree-covered islands of moderate ...
From Tanjung Padang, the S entrance point of the W end of the strait, a spit with a depth of 1.8m at its outer end, extends 2.5 miles W from the point. The spit dries up to 1 mile W of the point. Dedap, a wooded islet, lies on a sandbank which extends about 0.2 mile offshore ...
Selat Lalang is about 2.2 to 4 miles wide and has a least depth of 11m in the fairway but there is a ridge with a depth of 8m near the middle of the strait abreast Makapan Settlement which stands on the W bank about 15 miles S of Tanjung Lajang. In Selat Lalang and Selat Pandjang ...
Sungaipakning stands about 2 miles S of Tanjung Balaidalam. It's a small port. A radio mast, painted red and white, stands in the town. A shoal, with a least charted depth of 8m, extends about 3miles SE from a point about 1 mile NE of the charted light in position 1°20.7'N, ...
Tanjung Palau Kandar (or tg Sekodi), with the village of Sekodi on it, is the SE extremity of Pulau Bengkalis. A spit, with a depth of 0.5m, extends 0.5 mile S, and a 4.8m depth lies about 1 mile SW of the point. Between the E coast of Pulau Bengkalis and Long Bank, about 29 ...
Clark Bank consists of two narrow ridges, about 2 miles apart, extending in a NW to SE direction, which lies about 4 miles SE of Vowler Bank. Depths over these ridges range from 15.5 to 18.5m. Between these banks and the shoals extending from the coast of Sumatera there is a deep ...