Selat Padang (E Sumatra)

Selat Padang (E Sumatra)

To precisely geolocate this site. Update if necessary.





Selat Padang, the channel between Pulau Bengkalis and Pulau Padang to the S, is in frequentuse by small craft trading between Singapore and Bengkalis.

The channel is almost 1 mile wide with depths of 6 to 14m in the fairway. The channel is contracted to a width of 0.3 mile at its SE entrance by the extending shoal which has a least depth of 4.8m.

In Selat Padang the E current has a maximum rate of 2 knots and makes about 2 hours after LW. The W current has a maximum rate of about 3 knots and makes about 2 hours after HW.
Toward neaps the currents are very weak but the W current predominates.


Sumatra (Indonesia)

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  • publication date: 7 Aug 2024
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