Lighthouse by Blåvandshuk was built in 1899-1900, since it replaced a wooden beacon which was established in 1888. The foundation, which is made of concrete, is 4 meters down into a drifting sand dunes, and this is a socket on the 2 switches built of granite stone. The tower, which is 39 meters high, built of reinforced concrete, while the doors and windows are used pitch pine. Blåvandshuk lighthouse is built to the same drawings as Keldsnor lighthouse on Langeland of lighthouse-engineer H.V. Ravn.
Lyngvig LighthouseHvide SandeThis 38 meters tall and slim lighthouse was built in 1906 at Holmlands Klint to fill the more 100 km large "gab" between Bovbjerg lighthouse and Blåvandshuk lighthouse. It is built on a concrete foundation, while the tower is built of brick and concrete/kvadre. ...
Bovbjerg LighthouseLemvigA bit gloomy is the 24 meter high Bovbjerg right out to the West Coast in Ferring parish. It is a significant clay hill that shoots out into the sea at this point. In 1876-77 they constructed a lighthouse on this place where many shipwreks had occurred. ...
Lodbjerg fyr blev bygget i 1883. Det er opført af svensk granit og er 35 m. højt. Det er ligesom Hanstholm Fyr (bygget 1843) et såkaldt anduvningsfyr der vejleder skibene på det åbne hav. Lyset fra fyret kan i klart vejr ses 35 km. ud over havet, og ...