Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Rio Grande do Norte Brazil)

Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Rio Grande do Norte Brazil)

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Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Rio Grande do Norte Brazil)


Réserve naturelle


L'archipel a été découvert en 1500 par le navigateur portugais Gaspar de Lemos, Elle est un exemple de préservation de l'environnement  et possède le statut de Parc Naturel.

Il est aussi sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco.

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Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Rio Grande do Norte Brazil)
Fernando de Noronha
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Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago of 21 islands and islets in the Atlantic Ocean, 354 km offshore from the brazilian coast. The archipelago got its name from the Portuguese merchant Fernão de Loronha, to whom it was given by the Portuguese crown for services rendered regarding wood imported from Brazil.
It is a nationa maritime park. In 2001 UNESCO designated it as a World Heritage Site because of the importance of its environment.

The islands of this archipelago are the visible parts of a range of submerged mountains. It consists of 21 islands, islets and rocks of volcanic origin. The main island has an area of 18 km2 (6.9 sq mi), being 10 km (6.2 mi) long and 3.5 km (2.2 mi) wide at its maximum. The base of this enormous volcanic formation is 756 metres (2,480 ft) below the surface.
The main island, from which the group gets its name, makes up 91% of the total area; the islands of Rata, Sela Gineta, Cabeluda and São José, together with the islets of Leão and Viúva make up the rest. The central upland of the main island is called the Quixaba.

The life above and below sea is the main attraction of the island. Sea turtles, dolphins, albatrosses and many other species are frequently observed.
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NE Brazil

  • 27 sites
  • 33 photos
  • publication date: 23 Jul 2024
  • .pdf file size: 11 Mb

SW Atlantic Ocean

  • 122 sites
  • 136 photos
  • publication date: 27 Jul 2024
  • .pdf file size: 60 Mb
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Sites autour de Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Rio Grande do Norte Brazil)

Flying distances - Direct line

Bahia de Santo Antonio (F de Noronha N Brazil)

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Reserva Biológica Atol das Rocas

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