All pleasure boats must go to the marina and not to the old port of Mikonos from where you will be sent back. Besides, the new harbor, about a mile north of the former, offers much better protection than the old one.
This port has two entrances, one facing south (with one red light at night) and the other in the north (with a single green light): the southern dock is of course better sheltered.
This port is hardly friendly, but it is only a 20 minute walk from the center of Mykonos: so play safe. Side bunkering, laundry, internet, gas, etc., we find everything but not really at discount price.
T. 2289022218
Fax 2289023922
40 pl.
long. max: 25 m
Depth: 3/5 m
The Meltem, powerful wind coming from the North or North West, comes across on the marina. Mykonos and the neighboring island Tinos, are the islands of the cyclades, the most windy during the summer.
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