Latitude | Longitude | |
DMS | --- | --- |
DM | --- | --- |
DD | --- | --- |
A coral bank, with depths of 25.6 to 27.4m, lies about 6 miles ENE of Horace Point, the N extremity of Camorta Island.
Tides—Currents.—The tidal currents off the E coast of Camorta Island, between a position about 2 miles WNW of the NW end of that island and a position between the entrances of Expedition and Nancowry Harbors, set S on the flood and N on the ebb. At springs, the N current attains a rate of 3 knots about 2 to 3 miles offshore. The S current attains a rate of 0.8 to 1.3 knots. At neaps, the N current attains a rate of 0.8 to 1.3 knots and the S current a rate of 0.3 to 0.8 knot.
At springs, tide rips frequently occur at various places all along the coast at variable distances offshore.
The W coast of Camorta Island, between Horace Point and Kaihoa Village, almost 3.8 miles SW, is reef-fringed up to 0.5 mile offshore. From the village the coast extends SW for 1.3 miles and then S for 7.5 miles to Cave Point, the N entrance point of Expedition Harbor.
Dring Harbor, which is available only to boats, is entered 2.3 miles N of Cave Point.
A 22m shoal lies about 6.5 miles NW of Cave Point.
The coast, between Satellite Point, the S entrance point of Expedition Harbor, and Reef Point, the S extremity of the island, is fringed by a narrow reef. This latter point is the N entrance point of the W entrance of Nancowry Harbor.
Perseus Reef extends about 0.8 mile W from the NW end of the island. A shoal, as defined by the 20m curve, extends about 1.8 miles NW from the same point.
Ebook | Andaman sea