Marragiu cape is a high promontory which is characterized by its greenish color and the presence of volcanic rocks and caves.
Its surroundings are unhealthy.
It is the center of a regional nature reserve for the protection of wildlife, including the surface of 160 ha. The vulture, particularly, frequents this coast.
The reserve includes a Biomarin park, which extends from the Pagliosa islet, N, until the river Temo, to S.
Le cap Marragiu est un haut promontoire qui est caractérisé par sa couleur verdâtre et par la présence de roches d'origine volcanique et de nombreuses grottes.
Ses abords sont malsains.
Il est au centre d'une réserve naturelle régionale pour la protection de la faune, dont la surface est de 160 ha. Le vautour fauve, notamment, fréquente cette côte.
La réserve comprend un parc biomarin, qui s'étend à partir de l'îlot La Pagliosa, au N, jusqu'au fleuve Temo, au S.
Rocks on the top
Capo Marragiu è un alto promontorio che è caratterisato per sa colore verdastra
Capo Marragiu è un alto promontorio che si caratterizza per il suo colore verde e la presenza di rocce vulcaniche e numerosi grotte.
I suoi dintorni sono malsani.
E 'il centro di una riserva naturale regionale per la protezione della fauna, tra cui la superficie di 160 ettari. L'avvoltoio grifone, tra cui frequente questa costa.
La riserva comprende un parco Biomarino, che si estende dalla Pagliosa isolotto, a N, fino al fiume Temo, a S.
The park begins at Capo Galera to continue toward the gulf of Porto Conte that is protected by two promontories, Punta Giglio and Capo Caccia-Monte Timidone. The marine protected area embraces the stretch of sea to the north-west of Punta Cristallo.Almost all of the park consists ...
Rada di Alghero is entered between S, the town of Alghero and N, capo Galera.The E shore of this bay is low and sandy, and the W shore is hilly and rocky. An undulating coastal plain, partly under cultivation, lies immediately inland of the head of this bay.This bay is open to ...
Torre Badde Jana or Barragianni or Villanova stands 600m, 6,5 NM N of the Marrargiu cape. Built in the first half of the seventeenth century and is at Seno de sa Pozzosa, 11 km from Villanova Monteleone.
Porto Conte is a natural bay between Punta del Giglio and Caccia cape.Along E shore of the bay, on a projecting point, we see Porto Conte village, with the tower Nuova, which is backed by a turret with a light.You can anchor anywhere. The bay offers shelter from all winds. Mount ...
Rossa island , 15 m high, lies just before the S entrance point of Temo river. A large and conspicuous tower stands on the summit of the island.It is connected to the mainland by a breakwater.S island, a small rocky breakwater extends SSE from S extremity and protects Bosa bay ...