SW of the Baa Atoll, this island-shaped half-pipe has a large lagoon where the dolphins come to relax. It also has a superb coral reef (on his part E) that can be explored from the beach. W gives his side of the lagoon with crystal clear waters. An hotel (Coconut Palm) consists of 58 bungalow circular in shape, mounted on stilts and 38 bungalow occupies the site.
Un hôtel (Coco Palm) composé de 58 bungalow de forme circulaire, montés sur pilotis et de 38 bungalow occupe la place.
Hanikando Faro, at the NW extremity of the atoll, is separated from Kari Faro, about 0,8 NM S, by an opening into the lagoon. Dukandu, an island, lies in the middle of the inner end of the opening.Kari Faro is a reef enclosing a lagoon, with the islets of Iwafuri and ...
South maaslhosmadulu atoll hithaadhoo is located on the south west in the atoll. Hithaadhoo is 2600 feet long and have 1430 feet in width. A total of about 1171 people are registered in the island. Main occupation of the residance of hithaadhoo is fishing.There is a ...
Fehendu and Furudu, about 1 mile and 3 miles, respectively, W of Goidu, are inhabited, and wooded, with palm trees predominant. The villages on the N sides of these islands are visible from seaward.